
Gray Media Super CoachVac Commercial Backpack Vacuum

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Gray Media’s Super CoachVac stands out in the commercial cleaning arena. Its backpack design ensures mobility, allowing users to easily manoeuvre through spaces, especially those tricky corners. One of its highlighted features is the HEPA filtration bags. These are designed to capture even the tiniest particles, ensuring a clean environment and preventing allergens from spreading. The telescoping wand is another highlight, giving users flexibility in reaching various heights and depths. Accompanied by a versatile tool kit, this vacuum is well-equipped for a range of cleaning tasks, from flooring to upholstery.

Q: What is the standout feature of the Gray Media Super CoachVac?
A: Its HEPA filtration system ensures thorough cleaning by capturing tiny particles.

Q: Does the vacuum come with any additional tools?
A: Yes, it’s equipped with a comprehensive tool kit suitable for various cleaning tasks.

Q: How does the telescoping wand benefit users?
A: The adjustable wand allows for easy reach across different heights and depths, offering flexibility in cleaning.