
Aussie Cordless Family Vacuum: KPa Suction, Pet Dock, Green Stick for All Surfaces

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Every Australian home needs a versatile cleaning solution, and our cordless family vacuum ticks all the boxes. First off, the KPa strong suction ensures that dirt, dust, and debris are efficiently picked up, making cleaning a breeze. The pet dock feature showcases its unique design, tailored to households with furry friends. Any pet hair or dander is no match for this powerful device. Furthermore, the eco-friendly green stick is not just a stylish addition but also a testament to our commitment to sustainable living. With easy manoeuvrability, it glides seamlessly on carpets and hard floors alike, ensuring a thorough clean every time.

Q: How effective is the KPa suction on thicker carpets?
A: With the KPa suction, even thick carpets are cleaned efficiently, leaving no trace of dirt behind.

Q: Does the green stick component have any functional benefits?
A: The green stick, beyond its eco-friendly aspects, ensures easy manoeuvrability across all floor types.

Q: Can I use this vacuum if I’ve got both pets and kids at home?
A: Absolutely! With its pet dock and robust design, it’s tailored for households with both children and pets.