
Alexa Robot Vacuum Mop Combo V5s: Smart Cleaner with WiFi APP, Charging, Hardwood

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Your household chores can be as simple as a push of a button with the Alexa Robot Vacuum Mop Combo V5s. With the WiFi APP upgrade, controlling this vacuum mop becomes effortless. Designed with automatic charging and special functionalities for hardwood floors, it combines the best of both worlds in cleaning. The sleek design adds a modern touch, and the power of Alexa integration means you get smart cleaning at your command.

Q: What is the WiFi APP feature in the Alexa Robot Vacuum Mop Combo V5s?
A: It allows users to control the device through an app on their smartphone.

Q: Can it work on surfaces other than hardwood?
A: Yes, but it’s optimized for hardwood floors.

Q: How does the automatic charging function?
A: The device returns to its charging station when the battery is low, ensuring it’s always ready for use.